Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Midwinter II

Snow is gathering
Falls without
Logistical warning
I sure doubt
Ankle socks will do,
With white about
My ankle high shoes;
Laces out

Your scarf is wrapping
'Round my heart,
The earth is dancing
Torn apart
Cloves of evergreen
Holds to start,
A new beginning
In my heart

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Star to Guide is Coming!

A star to guide
It burns as bright
A million years away
Before the son
A million years ago
And the Lord conceived
In Mary's womb
To bring her into light
And cause the star to come
To guide our way tonight
A star to guide is coming!
Praise the Lord
His perfect timing!
You super nova
Hold your lamp-stand high
Oh angels o'er the Earth
Bring forth our star
The star to guide our way
To the Son of God