Friday, November 30, 2007

The Moment I Reappear

The moment that I disappear, I reappear in lights
Where darkness and silhouettes seem so very trite
But three of me could not agree who of them was real
'Cept the one standing above their repetitious veils

As I pass between the lamps to my unknowing destiny
The whispers hiding in the thistles plot their complex schemes
I find myself surrounded, nay, entrapped by common thieves
Though twilight circles all about, they're always dressed as me

Just when you think that I have disappeared
I'll find my way back to the surface
And in the moment that I reappear
I'll be more perfected than the last

Watch me as I dance into the shadows

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Opening Titles

Well, this is not my first official blog, but it is my first blogger effort since a well-off idea that turned sour after I realized that writing directly about nature can be kind of a snore. Nobody read it, and linking to it would have been utterly disastrous. I won't even link back to it on this new's really quite useless.

Anyways, I established this blog as a way of displaying my creative efforts: written work mostly, along with photography and maybe even some video work later on down the road. The intent of course is to get feedback, and hopefully as I pass around this URL to my friends and family they'll start linking to it or maybe even start an RSS feed. If a great deal of creative work finds its way onto this blog, I'll probably just use it as a template for my portfolio site, hopefully being transferred to the future URL

I'll probably be transferring a lot of my old poems onto this site in the coming weeks, along with my most recent collaboration, titled "Autumn Songs". Next semester, you can expect a wide variety of media, seeing as I'll be taking classes in Javascript, Digital Photography, Audio/Visual production, and advertising strategies. If I can find a way to embed them, I'll also include some old projects done in Flash, InDesign, and Illustrator.

As for my old blogs (LiveJournal, Facebook Notes, etc.), don't count them out just yet. However, I'll probably make the full on leap from those to platforms to just this blog soon enough. My Facebook group dedicated to my writing work will probably be redirected to this site in favor of driving traffic to it rather than my Facebook Notes. Besides, if members of the group become registered users with blogger (which is so much easier and cooler than anything else out there), then they can subscribe to my blog. Heck, they could even do it with their Yahoo! or Google e-mail accounts. How exciting!
